Oracle-X How To

How To Use ORACLE-X and Related FAQ. Please note that there are more FAQs within 'FAQs'.

Overview of Oracle-X

Each our new deck is guaranteed 100% unique, containing a combination of cards which will never be found in that unique combination again in any other sealed new deck.

Oracle-X has been designed from the onset to be both customisable and expandable. This has the benefit that it allows the owner of the deck, to shape it exactly the way their intuition is guiding them.

The concept of allowing an owner to customise their deck when (and if) they want. With the ability to add new cards to the base set as required, allowing them to build a deck uniquely personal to their self and their own personal circumstances.

Our Oracle-X designer incorporated over 30 years of his own experience into the overall concept and high level design. Each base deck contains 36 cards designed to be read straight out of the box. Oracle-X features durable poker sized cards, allowing those with smaller sized hands to easily shuffle without feeling uncomfortable and therefore less likely to be dropped.

In departing from conventional oracle decks, every base deck is totally unique when purchased. This will assist you in making that special bond between yourself and your deck. We want you to feel a personal connection with this deck. For it is truly a tool that can grow and change in conjunction with its owner. Only you know how you will ultimately customise this deck; please turn to the back of this sheet for more details of how your unique deck is made up.

A Closer Look at the Cards

Each unique Base Deck contains 36 different cards, and each Oracle-X card features:

  • An Identification Number (e.g. 101)
  • A Keyword (e.g. mirror)
  • An Illustration (e.g. a framed mirror)
  • A 'Grid' (coloured primary theme/purpose)
  • Four 'Runes' (in 1, 2, 3, or 4 colours)

Card Identification Number

101Each card has a unique 3 digit number, this serves as a quick card reference. The 1st digit represents the 'series' to which the card belongs. The 2nd & 3rd digits cards represent the numerical sequence within that series. For example; card 101 (Mirror) is the 1st card of series 1.

The 'Grid'

101The front of each card has a single coloured 'grid'. The colour of the 'grid' indicates the primary theme/purpose of that card, serving as a useful guide for people new to Oracle-X.

If the grid is used in conjunction with the 'runes' it has a value (score) of 16, but more of this later.

The colour of the grid represents a loose theme or purpose and can help position the meaning of a card(s) within a reading. The possible colours are as follows:

  Purple General (no specific theme/purpose)
  Red Roles (e.g. Doctor)
  Yellow Time (e.g. seasons)
  Green Animal/Nature Connection
  Orange Symbolic
  White Colour/Chakra
  Dark Blue Western Astrology
  Light Green Numerology
  Light Blue Universe
  Grey Chinese Horoscope
  Brown Questions
  Pink Relationships *

* love, family, close friends, anyone who currently spends a lot of time in/near your body space (energy field)


Each card features a single (primary) keyword for which your intuition in conjunction with the illustration will bring forth thoughts, images, impressions etc. These are the most important aspects of the card and assist driving the 'roadmap' by which the 'reading' progresses forward.

The primary keyword should drive the output, however, at times when nothing seems to 'fit' or 'flow', each card has a further 7 secondary keywords. If you need assistance with the primary keyword, merely refer to the secondary keywords and use the word(s) that seems to 'jump out' or 'feel' right for you to use.

If your intuition interprets the card in an entirely different way, this is not a problem (after all it is your intuition!) as Oracle-X supplies a 'blank' to allow an 8th secondary keyword based on your personal interpretation. When used your 'new' additional word(s) should be read in conjunction with the existing primary and secondary keywords.

This is your deck and you are free to customise in this or any other way.

For most users a combination of the keyword(s) and illustration allows easy access to your intuition, with each reading you can become increasingly confident, and consequently your skills will grow more focused and relevant.

The Four 'Runes'

RunesUnderneath each image are displayed four 'runes' which represent the secondary themes/purposes of the card. The colours correspond exactly to those above (see The 'Grid'). These have a purpose to help understand the potential secondary purpose/themes of a card. They serve as a 'guide' for those who might need them, and they do not have to be used.

RunesA card displaying four purple coloured 'runes' is general (i.e no specific secondary theme/purpose. Each card can have one primary theme/purpose and up to four different secondary theme/purposes.

The positioning of the 'runes' is relevant, and can be used to determine the strength of each theme and/or purpose. The strength of each secondary theme/purpose can be calculated easily by adding together the value (score) of each rune based on its position. From the left the values are 8; 4; 2; 1.

RunesFor example, a yellow (i.e. time) 'rune' in the outer left position would score 8, and a red (i.e. role) 'rune' in the inner left position would score 4. Thus, 'time' would be a far more important secondary consideration than that of 'role'.

A card can have up to 4 different coloured 'runes' and in these cases, using the scoring guide above, the strongest purpose can be discovered.

A card might have 2, 3, or 4 'runes' of the same colour. Multiple 'runes' used in this way reinforce the overall strength of Runesone or more themes/purposes. For example, if the outer left and inner right 'runes' are both yellow, and the inner left and outer right are both pink: yellow is worth 10 (8+2), and pink is worth 5 (4+1). Hence 'time' is the most relevant secondary consideration followed by 'relationships'. If a card displayed 4 pink 'runes', this would represent a score of (8+4+2+1), indicating a very strong secondary theme/purpose.

Finally, if one or more of the 'runes' are the same colour as the 'grid', this will strengthen the primary theme/purpose. Since the value of the primary theme/purpose (i.e. the grid) is worth a score of 16. e.g. if the card has a yellow 'grid', and if the two left side 'runes' were also yellow this gives score of 28 (16+8+4). Hence 'time' is a highly important consideration with that card.

The highest possible score is 31 (16+8+4+2+1) and only used in the case of a card with a single theme/purpose.Runes

If this all seems rather complicated, then you do not need to use it, it is merely provided as a guide for those whose mind works in that way, or for those still finding their way with the deck.

How Might You Use Oracle-X?

Now that we have completed a brief overview of the cards, let us look at how we might use Oracle-X. Before we get down to the shuffling and laying out, let us look at some ways to make the process go smoother.

Preparation the day before can bring great benefit downwind. For example, abstaining from alcohol, smoking, coffee, tea, etc., for the previous 24 hour period will certainly help, as well reducing or removing consumption of heavy foods. An early night the previous evening also gives value. How far you are prepared to go is entirely down to yourself and personal circumstances. The more you are able to do, the easier it will be to pick up the finer vibrational energies and to tune in to your intuition.

For clothing, light cotton garments will make your body feel lighter and more comfortable. Again this is down to personal preference; the importance here is that you can give your reading without worry of distraction. e.g. fabric itching, sweating, constant fidgeting, or having to re-adjust items.

The setting of the reading is important, the room temperature should be neither too warm nor too cold, any partners, children, pets, or other distractions should be migrated to another room. If there is background noise that cannot be removed, consider playing an instrumental CD quietly in the background. New World Music CD's are particularly recommended.

The mood and vibration of your room can be enhanced in a number of ways. Using scents, for which options include the lighting of an incense stick/cone, the setting up an ultrasonic diffuser, or oil burner if you have one. Some folks might prefer to use a singing bowl prior to commencement of the reading, or a musical instrument of some kind. Or if you find silence itself a distraction, to have some instrumental music as background.

Having looked at the preparation we can now take a look at the shuffling process.

How Many Times Should I Shuffle My Deck?

Well, as many or as few as you feel comfortable with. It is not the amount of shuffling one does but the energy that is put into them. Sometimes, the mere fact of holding the deck for three to four minutes before a simple shuffle is quite sufficient.

Who Should Shuffle The Deck?

If this is a personal 'reading' then this will be you.

If you are reading for others, pass the deck to your client (or friend etc.), allowing them to hold it for two to three minutes. During this time they should focus on the issue at hand, or why they want the reading etc. Once they feel 'ready' they should slowly shuffle the cards for as long as they feel necessary.

Laying Out The Cards

Now that the cards are shuffled it is time to lay them out. The method by which the cards are laid out is called a 'spread'. Most existing spreads can be used, or adapted to use with Oracle-X cards. You can layout your Oracle-X cards using your favourite spread, or visit the 'spreads' featured on this site.

Let us look a little closer at one of the spreads. If you wish to give yourself a quick 'Daily Headline' for yourself, then after you have shuffled the cards, cut the deck, discard the first card, and lay out the subsequent two cards face up alongside each other:

Daily Headline Spread

Card 1: Today's opportunity or challenge
Card 2: Influenced by

As you look at the cards, their images and primary keywords try and cut out your day to day logical consciousness. Allow yourself to link deep into your subconscious to awaken your inner intuition. With a little practise this will become as easy as ABC, and once learnt, never forgotten. You will gradually feel a growing and deeper inner understanding, an awareness that brings forth a different aspect when considering the daily grind of life. The more you use Oracle-X the more you will 'tune in'.

More complex spreads allow you to use your new Oracle-X deck in other ways. For example, you could try this spread which can assist you in determining an answer to a (one) specific question. We call this the 'Smile' Spread:

The Smile Spread

Card 1: Past influences
Card 2: Present circumstances
Card 3: General future conditions
Card 4: Best course of action to follow
Card 5: Attitudes and opinions of others
Card 6: Possible obstacles hindering resolution Card 7: {a/the} likely final outcome

This spread can be used for yourself, or when you are reading for another person (aka the querant). Look at the cards in relation to each other as the meanings of some cards are heightened or lessened by their position to each other.

Sometimes a card simply feels 'right' or feels 'wrong' for no apparent reason. Just follow and let your intuition guide you.

What If I Cannot Understand A Given Oracle-X Card?

Look at the card solidly for 30 seconds then close your eyes, and visualise that card in your minds eye. Even if you are in a reading with another individual, try not to feel pressured, instead just relax and wait for your inner self to respond.

If this is does not work for you, then look at the 7 secondary keywords listed for that card, and select the one that 'seems to fit best'. If you have created an '8th' keyword, this should be included with the original 7 secondary keywords.

If you are still at a blank, then ask the person you are reading for, what that card means for them, this should help reactivate your intuition.

Naturally you should resist any 'urge' to repeat the reading if it does not seem to make sense, or gives you an answer you do not like. As frequently the 'penny will drop' later in the day and it will make sense after all.

How Do The Cards For The Reading Get Chosen?

Normally it is good practice to shuffle the cards both before and after a reading to help break down any energy residue that might be remaining from the last usage. Try to get in to the habit of doing this before/after every use so it becomes second nature. A simple 'seven' shuffle makes it easy, just deal the cards into 7 piles, pick up one pile and shuffle, then pick up slowly shuffle the remaining six piles until you have a single pile again.

Now to choosing the cards for the reading, there are several methods and variations upon these methods as to how to select the cards for the reading. Which is best for you is down to personal preference. Taking it that you are going to use all your Oracle-X cards, you need to decide which spread you would like to use, for this determines the number of cards to be selected.

Next you need to decide if you wish to select the cards yourself, or allow your client to select the cards.

I Am Nervous About Undertaking My First Oracle-X Reading For Another person, What Can I Do?

Now is the time to let your doubts fade, Oracle-X is particularly well suited to allowing one to 'dip ones toes in the water'. Part of you is probably excited and eager to start, part of you might be worried or nervous. Let the excitement lead, as the reading starts to unfold you will lose your nervousness and you will probably be too busy to worry.

Most worries stem around thoughts such as: What if I cannot pick anything up? What if I am incorrect? What if I forget the meaning of a card? And so forth.

For most newcomers all this is a normal feeling and quite understandable, as it is appears to be a big step undertaking that first reading. It is suggested that you read for someone you know, especially someone willing to share this experience and help you along the way.

I Am Unsure How Long I Should Allow For My First Reading With Oracle-X?

If you put aside around 45 minutes, and if you use a basic spread, then you should have no time pressures to distract you. It will take a few readings before you instinctively know what length of time suits you best. Some folk like to read at a rapid rate, others very slowly. The aim is to bring out all the available information, without labouring a point, or conversely skipping over a point or two.

What IF I Interpret An Oracle-X Card Differently To That Suggested?

Whilst the 'primary' keyword should drive the output; however, at times when nothing seems to 'fit' or 'flow', each card is supplied with a further 7 'secondary' keywords which can be found within the insert that came with the deck. Just refer to the 7 'secondary' keywords and use the word that seems to 'jump out' or 'feels' right for you to use.

If none of the above fits, you still feel another or different meaning to a particular card; not a problem. Interpretation of any Oracle-X card is non-prescriptive; just follow your inner guidance. A 'blank' space is provided against each card in the insert to allow a person to enter the 'keyword' that fits best for them based on their intuition and interpretation of a given card.
When used in this way, your 'new' word should be read in conjunction with the 'primary' and other seven 'secondary' keywords.

This is your deck and you are free to customise in this way.

For all readers a combination of the keyword(s) and illustration allows easy access to your intuition. With each reading you will become increasingly confident, and consequently your skills will grow more focused and relevant.

What Do I Do If I Cannot Understand A Given Oracle-X Card?

Look at the card solidly for 30 seconds then close your eyes, and visualise that card in your minds eye. Even if you are in a reading with another individual, try not to feel pressurised, instead relax and wait for your inner self to respond.

If this is does not work for you, then look at the 7 secondary keywords listed for that card, and select the one that 'seems to fit best'. If you have created an '8th' keyword (see: What if I interpret an Oracle-X card differently to that suggested?) this should be included with the original 7 keywords.

If you are still at a blank, then ask the person you are reading for, what that card means for them, this should help reactivate your intuition.

How Much Should I Charge For An Oracle-X Reading?

This is a much debated and controversial topic. Some folks take the view that they never charge, some have a set fee, others charge dependant on the person. Many favour a donation based fee, either in receipt of their services, or as a donation to a good cause.

This decision naturally, will be yours and yours alone. As long as you can justify your choice you should not have any issues.

Please bear in might any prolific readers who charge a fee might need to become registered with the appropriate tax authorities.

When Using Oracle-X For A Reading, Should I Ask My Client To Keep Silent?

Again a personal choice, some readers prefer that the client remains silent until all cards have been read, others like a regular dialogue. If a client has too much input, you have the risk that you might unintentionally be told too much. This can be especially frustrating if you had just 'picked up' the information only the moment before.

A disciplined approach is preferable, informing your client up front how you like to 'run things', and taking the appropriate control throughout the reading.

If you need to ask a question of the client, then this is not a problem, ideally any answer should be short and to the point.

A post-reading discussion between the reader and the client, is a nice way to complete the session, this might highlight a gap here and there, throw light on a particular card combination which might now make more 'sense'.

I Successfully Completed My First Oracle-X Reading, What Can I Do To Get Further Clients?

It is probably true to say that 'word of mouth' is the best form of attracting further clients. As your reputation grows you begin to receive a constant stream of requests for readings. Since these are often friends of friends they tend to a better type of client.

Advertising in local papers, retail outlets, etc. can lead to a greater risk of attracting the 'weirdo' type. Whilst it is down to personal choice, I would ensure someone else is in the house to mitigate any risks with regard to personal safety.

How Many Times Can I Provide A Reading For The Same Person?

One always needs to be aware of the risk that some clients might become dependent on you giving them a reading every time an new issue erupts in their life. To mitigate against this risk you might decide to limit the number of readings you do for a particular client to two, or three. Dependency should be avoided as a reader risks being used as a 'prop' which often results in feeling increasingly drained by the client.

With regards to frequency, a minimum of a three month gap is recommended.

Can Oracle-X Be Used For Remote Readings?

Yes, like any other Oracle deck, remote telephone, email, text, instant messaging, and internet readings are possible.

As your intuitive skills develop this becomes easier and second nature in many cases.

Are There Any Oracle-X Reading Classes/Circles?

Since Oracle-X is a radical new concept in customised divination decks, nothing exists at this point in time. Perhaps you can consider establishing your own class or circle?

Oracle-X will often provide guest speakers for events etc. Please contact Oracle-X via email for more details:

An event diary will become available on this site in due course.

How Else Can I Improve My Reading Skills?

The old adage 'practise makes perfect' is rather apt. The more you read for others, the more you will learn how to interpret Oracle-X in conjunction with the various thoughts and feelings that you will start to experience as the get stronger.

Generally, if a 'nonsense' word or phase appears in your head direct from your mind, try not to let your brain analyse it, instead, pass the word/phase direct to your client. It will take a while to become confidence in doing this, however once you start, there is no going back.

Are Oracle Cards In Any Way Evil Or Negative?

All Oracle decks are tools for divination, and providing you give your readings with love and light and positivity, there is only love, light and positivity given out. They are an intent based tool which reflects its reader.

Conversely, if one reads an oracle with the wrong or a negative intent in mind, then this could be considered a misuse of the tool. An example would be to read someone with the intent of manipulating the cards to your or a third parties benefit.

All readers are bound by universal law, in particular karma, and the law of cause and effect. If you knowingly give out information that subsequently causes an issue for your client, you share in this responsibility. To illustrate: Within a reading, you might see an opportunity for your client to invest in a new business venture; hence you decide to strongly encourage it. The client excitedly and gratefully follows your advice and decides based on his reading, to heavily invest in the new business venture. Subsequently, the venture fails resulting in your client losing his investment causing great hardship to himself and his family.

Therefore in this example, the reader contributed to the overall result (it could be that an investment opportunity was on the horizon, but the reader failed in regard to the correct timing and the client jumped at the first available venture). A neutral approach negates this type of issue. It is not for the reader to 'give the answer', but to illustrate the options of the various pathways ahead. The client ultimately uses the clarity brought about via the visibility of the options presented to him/her.

How Much Detail Should I Give The Client?

Direct statements such as 'your husband is having an affair' should be avoided. The risk of misreading the situation should always be borne in mind, and a mistake could actually seed that very event and bring it into reality.

How do I discover the Keywords to Oracle-X cards that are not listed on the instruction leaflet that came with my Oracle-X deck?

As at 1st July 2012 there are 78 Oracle-X cards:

  • Series 1 - 101 to 154
  • Series 2 - 201 to 224

To cover all 78 cards, we have produced an A3 sized guide to all cover all currently available cards. This may be downloaded via the link below: